Saturday, February 16, 2013

What Will Become Of Pope Benedict's Twitter After He Resigns?

  • BY Marisa Krystian |
  • Feb 16, 2013 2:36PM EDT |
  • 2 MIN:25SEC
Pope Benedict?s official entrance into the world of social media, via Twitter, caused a media storm. Pope Benedict sent his first tweet after weeks of anticipation reading: "Dear friends, I am pleased to get in touch with you through Twitter. Thank you for your generous response. I bless all of you from my heart." The 85 year old pope sent the tweet with a touch screen tablet in front of thousands at the Vatican in December. Yet the pope did not announce his surprising decision to resign on Twitter. The Pope is likely to send his last tweet on February 28, his final day as pontiff before he leaves the Vatican. The head of the Vatican?s communication department hopes the new pope will tweet as well. "During the days after the 28 no tweet will be sent because there is no pope to send a tweet," he said. "And so when the new pope will be elected, we are going to present to him such an opportunity. "I repeat, I think that it is an opportunity. And the opportunity is to talk to the human beings, men and women of today that on many occasions are not facing an easy life,? said Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli. One the day the pope announced his resignation, the Vatican?s news site was forced to switch from one to four servers, after the number of viewers shot from 14,000 to 190,000, proof that the internet is a useful communication tool for the Vatican. "But at the same time human beings are experiencing solitude, loneliness. In such a moment of desert, of spiritual desert, I think that a 'drop of truth' (a tweet), a drop of spiritual values, I think that they are good and positive for the human being with.. who's really on the road and sometimes on the road of loneliness. News of Benedict?s resignation reverberated through Twitter, generating 1.5 million comments in the first 36 hours. Video Source: Reuters


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