Monday, March 11, 2013

Your Ultimate March Financial Calendar

Your Ultimate March Financial CalendarLast month, our friends at LearnVest shared the best ways to get financially organized post-holiday season. Now that March is in full swing, it's time to gear up for warmer weather and wrap up your taxes.

You can simply set calendar reminders for yourself, and start thinking about your "financial calendar" the way you do your social calendar. You'd never neglect to send your mom a birthday card after jotting it down on your calendar?so treat important tasks like saving for retirement, preparing for taxes, and donating to charity in the same way. Get ready for a much more organized month (and year)!

Here's what you should do in March...

Finish Your Taxes

Aim to wrap up your taxes in March?well ahead of the April 15th deadline. If you receive a refund, use 90% of the money toward your financial priorities, and set aside 10% for some fun spending!

Inventory Home Goods and Property

In the event that your belongings or property are damaged and/or destroyed, you'll need appropriate documentation to prove their value. Take some time in March to photograph such personal possessions extensively, and compile a thorough list of what everything is worth. Then store this information in a water- and fire-proof safe, along with any other important documents.

Start Planning Your Child's Summer Activities

When school's out, it can be tricky to keep junior occupied?especially if your schedule is still packed. So start researching options like summer camp, enrichment programs and other activities now, and piece together what your child's summer will look like.

Your Ultimate 2013 Financial Calendar | LearnVest

LearnVest's mission is to empower people everywhere to take control of their personal finances so that they can afford their dreams. They believe that financial planning should not be a luxury, which is why they've developed an advice-driven program that is personalized to your specific financial goals and situation. Take control of your money. Join LearnVest today.

Image remixed from Roman Sotola and photolinc (Shutterstock).

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