Thursday, March 28, 2013

Motorola support page indicates Droid Bionic to receive Jelly Bean in Q2 2013

Motorola Droid Bionic

While we wouldn't have blamed you for thinking ICS was the end of the road for the Droid Bionic, a Motorola Support page now indicates that a Jelly Bean update is on its way in Q2 2013. The handy little tool that Motorola introduced last year to help people find out about upcoming updates on their device reveals the information when selecting the Bionic from a list of support devices. As pointed out by Droid-Life, prominently at the bottom of the page it lists "Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) upgrade rollout expected to begin Q2 2013."

Now that's a pretty darn vague window, if true, to have the update "start" somewhere in the next three months, but we're not going to look this gift horse in the mouth. If it does come true, there are going to be some seriously happy Bionic owners out there.

Source: Motorola


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