Friday, October 12, 2012

Local library wants to provide more for hsers?what would you ask ...

Funny you should post this. Our library just had a forum for homeschoolers to show what they do offer and asked what we wanted. Our library informed us that every service they offer to school teachers are available to us as well. So, we get double checkout period that teachers? get. They offer teacher requests for classroom use ? books on a particular unit ? we give them a week?s notice and they pull age appropriate materials for us to check out. They will be sponsoring book clubs during daytime hours for homeschoolers as well as a curriculum night for parents and a homeschoolers? showcase where students can display their work, whether it be science experiments or history displays or something. We are working on them getting homeschooling reference books to put in a special collection. They are also looking at reclassifying the Great Courses DVDs as books so that they have a longer loan period (currently only a week.) Our big dream is a homeschooling center similar to the Homeschool Resource Center in the Johnsburg IL Library. We are looking to get a committee together to help make plans and we will seek a grant to make this happen. I could not believe how receptive our librarians are to this.

Related posts:

  1. Library Resources for C&T 5500, Master?s Project ? Ed.M. | Learning at the Library
  2. My Full Time Job: Getting the Most Out of Your Library
  3. Yale Law School Lillian Goldman Law Library in memory of Sol Goldman
  4. Bookbug Session at Tillydrone Community Library ? Amadocleveland?s blog
  5. Learn a Language ? For Free! ? With Help From Central Arkansas Library System


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