Monday, October 1, 2012

How To Find Peace in Life: Resources, Quotes, Meditations

A contented sigh. An aura of calmness. Feelings of peace are sought after in our busy lives. For International Peace Day, HuffPost Religion complied a list of religious organizations working to promote peace in the world.

While organizations can work together for peace, some religious scholars and spiritual authors preach the message that outward peace is only possible if inner peace is achieved. American pacifist Mildred Lisette Norman also known as Peace Pilgrim once said, "When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others." Yet how exactly is peace is found?

We asked our readers how they do it. Below is a collection of ways the HuffPost Religion community seeks (and finds!) soul harmony. How do YOU find peace? Be sure to offer your suggestions in the comments.

  • Being Awe-Struck

    Taking in a breathtaking view or considering the wonders of this world is scientifically <a href="">proven</a> to expand our sense of time, increase patience and decrease materialism.

  • Finding Solace in Relationships

    Many members of HuffPost Religion community said that family was how they found peace. Religious texts often shed relationship wisdom. Quran 30:20:21 says, "Among His Signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He put love and mercy between your hearts."

  • Volunteering

    Connecting you to new or current communities, volunteering is a peace inducing activity with spiritual, social and educational benefits. Philanthropy can be applied to Galatians 6:10 in the Bible which says, ?As we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.?

  • Having Faith

    On what gives her peace, HuffPost Religion community member Naomi Whitaker said, ?Knowing that God works out ALL things for my good, because I love Him and I?m called according to His will." Another community member Debby Jacobus said, ?Only God can make me feel peace. No matter what my problems are I know he always around me.?

  • Listening or Performing Music

    There?s nothing like the power of sound to dissolve frustration or anxiety. Music can even transcend belief. Princeton University neuroscience professor and atheist Michael Graziano <a href="">wrote</a>, ?When I am listening to certain pieces of music I feel a reverence creeping over me, an awe that has a spiritual quality.?

  • Reading

    Melting into a word of stories and characters can be inspiring. Ultimately, reading can serve as a peaceful respite from life. <a href=""> Research</a> shows reading is good for your brain, rev up your imagination and relieve stress. For a list of religious books, click <a href="">here</a>.

  • Studying Scripture

    Sometimes primary religious texts like the Bible get a bad rap for being culturally outdated. Despite the theological arguments that come up, scripture is full of wisdom that can add peace to your life. Spending time in the word of your faith can too. Community member Salome Herrera said ?Listening to the Holy Qu?ran? gives him peace. Religion Data Archives writer David Briggs <a href="">reported</a> on a Baylor Religion survey that showed frequent Bible reading can lead to social justice and openness to to science.

  • Creating Art

    In addition to creativity having emotional health <a href="">benefits</a> that lead to feelings of peace, passionate artists of many mediums often describe their work as spiritual. In a <a href="">study</a> about the connection between creativity and spirituality, UCLA researcher Christine Paintner PhD wrote, ?Creativity is about honoring another kind of intelligence that originates from within us rather than from outside sources.?

  • Showing and receiving love from pets

    One HuffPost Religion commenter Frankie Tice shared that his pets are a vital part of his peaceful spiritual practice. He said, ?Cuddling with my Schnauzers and casting a circle for any ritual--brings peace to the whole house. My Schnauzers like to sleep in the circle while I do my ritual.?

  • Visiting places of worship

    Being in a sacred place was a common answer for readers responding to what gives them peace. Arnold M. Eisen, chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary <a href="">wrote</a>, ?God is everywhere, but must somehow also be here, really here, especially here where we are, if we are to feel connected to God. The sense of divine presence is enhanced to the degree that the "dwelling place" (literal meaning of Mishkan or Tabernacle) we build for God elicits our highest effort and meets the highest standard of beauty, dignity, and sanctity that we are conceive."

  • Mindfulness

    Buddha once said, ?Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.? Mindfulness and calm thoughts was a common response on Huff Post Religion?s peace question. So was <a href="">yoga. </a>

  • Fellowship

    Company adds to our happiness but company in presence of fellow believers or members of your faith community provides a certain harmony in your life. HuffPost community member MK McAdams said ?surrounding himself with virtuous people who can laugh? is one thing that gives him peace.

  • Prayer

    Not surprisingly enough, prayer was a top response on what gives our community conversation. Sufi teacher Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee Ph.D. <a href="">wrote</a>, ?The tradition of mystical prayer is another way to access the peace that belongs to our soul. It is born from a need to rediscover our heart's relationship with the divine, our own personal and most intimate inner connection.?

  • Nature

    The health benefits of nature have long been known. The spiritual benefits are<a href=""> vast</a> as spending time in nature can connects us with our higher power. HuffPost Religion community members Linda Ford, Brian Waldrop and Lori Harding said mother nature (or God's creation, depending on your view) brings them peace. For Ford? Daily life on the farm. Waldrop? Clean rivers. Lori S. Harding? The beach.

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