Friday, September 28, 2012

Moving Right Along in Apologia Biology - Spell Out Loud

Over the years I have felt most comfortable teaching younger kiddos. Most of my co-op classes have been geared toward toddlers and preschoolers. This year I get to mix it up a bit and teach my oldest daughter and her friend high school biology. I was nervous at first, but I am enjoying it! I feel so smart reading words like ?prokaryotes? and ?eukaryotes?. ;)

We are using Apologia Biology for high school science this year. I read the chapters just like my students. Some things come back to me once I?ve read them, but other terms/concepts have been new. It?s been wonderful challenging myself and learning at the same time. Honestly, I don?t feel like I?m really teaching but rather facilitating. The girls were familiar with the format after taking General Science, so they know to read, answer the On Your Own, and do the study guide. I handle reviewing materials and making sure they understand what was read that week.

The three of us are enjoying our lab time. A friend let us borrow a microscope and the past couple of weeks we have been observing various micro-organisms in pond water (you would not believe how bad the water smells!?lol!)

The girls have learned the parts of a microscope and how to prepare their own slides. Using the microscope has been fascinating! I have found the labs using the microscope a valuable learning experience. The girls were excited to go beyond just the assignment and look for other things to observe under the microscope. So now I have added obtaining a high-quality microscope onto my must-haves for science wish-list! I do have 6 other kids who will use it too ;)

Reading the product descriptions of microscopes can seem like Greek. Marci from The Homeschool Scientist gives a great over-view on what to look for when choosing a microscope. ?I have a high-quality LED microscope on my wish-list (cough, cough: this one or this one would do ;) )

Anyway, I just want to encourage you that it is possible to teach your high-schooler biology! :) I made a list of some of my go-to sites that have figured it all out for me. I check there each week before teaching. :) ? Apologia Biology Resources

In addition, Connie from The Daisyhead is blogging about her biology co-op experience this year. Be sure to follow along and link up to her weekly High School link-up.



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