Saturday, August 4, 2012

Enjoy Life More By Easing Arthritis Pain ? ...

If you suffer from arthritis, do your best to use diet and moderate exercise to lose any unnecessary weight you are carrying. Excess weight puts more stress on bones and joints and causes them to wear out more quickly. Losing weight will not only lessen the stress on your back, hips and knees, but also make it easier to engage in more physical exercise.

If you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, make sure you?re getting enough omega-3 in your diet. If you?re not, consider taking a supplement like fish oil to help get those levels up. Studies have shown that omega-3 has many anti-inflammatory benefits for those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.

Through exercise, you can improve your arthritis symptoms as well as improve your overall health and fitness. Exercise helps keep your joints moving and it strengthens the muscles around your joints. It also promotes the health of your bones and keeps them strong. By participating in daily exercise, you will be able to complete basic daily activities more easily.

Let the sun in. Vitamin D has been shown to help relieve some symptoms of arthritis, and sunshine is well-known for increasing positive thoughts and bettering moods. Opening your blinds for around fifteen minutes every day can be enough to give you some great benefits, while still being in the comfort of your home.

Elevate your legs to relieve foot and knee pain. Most people who suffer from arthritis have it the worst in their knees and ankles. Elevating your legs can help to relieve swelling and inflammation, and quickly bring pain to a standstill. Try laying on a couch, and putting your legs up on the armrest.

If you are uncomfortable using a particular type of medication your doctor recommends, or if you feel that a particular kind of therapy is just not right for you, be sure to speak up and tell your doctor. There are plenty of choices available in arthritis therapy. Your course of treatment should fit you perfectly.

Find a hobby that you can easily perform. Many people who suffer from arthritis spend their days wishing they had something they could actually do, and you can prevent this boredom by searching out your own new hobby. Whether it is painting or dancing, having something to get you moving will keep you healthy.

Turn up the music! Listening to your favorite music can lighten your mood and help you forget your pain for a little while. It has been shown in research that listening to music can ease your arthritis pain. So keep your favorite tunes close to hand and when the pain starts tune it out with the music.

If you are having trouble walking because of arthritis pain in your legs, ankles, and hips, try using a cane. Using a cane will help take almost 20 percent of your body weight off of your lower body joints. Some people will associate a cane with having a disability, but if it will reduce your pain, who cares what anyone else thinks.

Always protect your joints when you are dealing with arthritis. Keep your joints moving throughout the day and avoid holding them in the same position for too long a period of time. Always consider how to best execute a task to minimize stress to your joints.

People with arthritis are dealing with both chronic pain and chronic fatigue. Set priorities for your day and stick to them. There will only be so much you can accomplish on a bad day. Figure out what?s most important and focus on getting that done, instead of trying to fight the pain and fatigue and do everything anyway.

In conclusion, you know not only that there is more than one type of arthritis that can develop, but there are different ways to identify and treat it. Hopefully you will find this information useful and that it will allow you to help yourself or other people that are afflicted with this painful disease.

Jeramy Allemond is a pro concerning arch support


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