Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Global Telecom Services Industry - Manufacturing Digital

NEW YORK, March 5, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:

Global Telecom Services Industry


The global outlook series on Telecom Services provides a collection of statistical anecdotes, market briefs, and concise summaries of research findings. The report offers a bird's eye view of the structure of the global Telecommunications Industry, and provides special primers on mobile communication, the wireless era, the opportunities boded by the liberalization of telecommunication services. Market sectors briefly summarized include Wireless Communication, Mobile Messaging, Data Transmission Services, Mobile Telephone Services, CDMA Cellular Telephone Services, GSM Services, Broadband Fixed Wireless Access Services and Residential Fixed-Wireline Communications, among others. The report offers a rudimentary overview of the industry, highlights latest trends and demand drivers, in addition to providing statistical insights. The US market is quantitatively analyzed with 9 information rich tables designed to provide the reader a statistical insight into the market. Other regional markets synopsized and researched include Canada, Mexico, Japan, Germany, UK, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, China, India, South Korea, Thailand, Latin America, Brazil, Middle East and Africa, among others. The report offers a compilation of recent mergers, acquisitions, and strategic corporate developments. Also included is an indexed, easy-to-refer, fact-finder directory listing the addresses, and contact details of companies 417 worldwide.

1. OVERVIEW 1A Prelude 1Impact of Economic Recession 1Market Surges Post-Recession 2Present Scenario 2Table 1: Worldwide Fixed-line Telephone Subscription (2010 &2011): Breakdown of Number of Subscribers by Region-Developed and Developing 2

Table 2: Worldwide Fixed-line Telephone Subscription (2010 &

2011): Breakdown of Number of Subscribers by Geographic

Region - North, Central & South America, Europe, Commonwealth

Independent States, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of World 3

Table 3: Worldwide Mobile Services Subscription (2009 &2010): Breakdown of Number of Subscribers in Billions for 2Gand 3G Networks 4

Table 4: Worldwide Mobile Services Subscription (2010 &

2011): Breakdown of Number of Subscribers by Region-

Developed and Developing 4

Table 5: Worldwide Mobile Services Subscription (2010 &2011): Breakdown of Number of Subscribers by GeographicRegion - North, Central & South America, Europe, CommonwealthIndependent States, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of World 5

Table 6: Worldwide Internet Usage (2010 & 2011): Breakdown of

Number of Users by Region- Developed and Developing 6

Table 7: Worldwide Internet Usage (2010 & 2011): Breakdown ofNumber of Users by Geographic Region - North, Central & SouthAmerica, Europe, Commonwealth Independent States,Asia-Pacific, and Rest of World 6

Table 8: Worldwide Internet Penetration (2011): Percentage of

Penetration by Geographic Region 7

Table 9: Worldwide Fixed-line Broadband Subscription (2010 &2011): Breakdown of Number of Subscribers by Region-Developed and Developing 7

Table 10: Worldwide Fixed-line Broadband Subscription (2010 &

2011): Breakdown of Number of Subscribers by Geographic

Region - North, Central & South America, Europe, Commonwealth

Independent States, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of World 8

Table 11: Worldwide Fixed-line Broadband Penetration (2011):Percentage of Penetration by Geographic Region - North,Central & South America, Europe, Commonwealth IndependentStates, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa 8Flurry of Corporate Activity 9Mobile Device Market Soars 9Internet & Broadband Lead the Way 9Global Outlook 10Expansion of Next Generation Service Infrastructure Underway 10Data Services to Outgrow Voice Telephony 11Asia to Overtake Europe 11Table 12: Worldwide Global Market for TelecommunicationsServices by Geographic Region - US, Canada, Europe,Asia-Pacific (including Japan), Latin America and Rest ofWorld Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual RevenueFigures in US$ Billion for Years 2010 through 2015 12

Table 13: Worldwide Five Year Perspective for

Telecommunications Services by Geographic Region -

Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Revenues for US, Canada,

Europe, Asia-Pacific (including Japan), Latin America and

Rest of World Markets for Years 2011 & 2015 13

Wireless - The Fastest-Growing Segment 14

Table 14: Worldwide Wireless Communications Market (2011):

Percentage Breakdown of Subscription by Type of

Technology-3GPP, 3GPP2 and Others 14

Mobile Communication Industry 14

Table 15: Global Mobile Communication Market (2010):

Percentage Breakdown of Mobile Data Revenues by Category -

Messaging, Premium Messaging, Downloads, Browsing, Internet,

Java, Music, Video Streaming and Mobile Payments 15

Mobile Instant Messaging 15

Table 16: World Market for Mobile Messaging Services (2008

& 2011): Percentage Share Breakdown by Type- Short

Messaging Services (SMS), Multimedia Messaging Services

(MMS), Mobile Email, and Others 16

Growth Drivers 16

Big Push in the International Markets 16

Technological Advancements 17

Active Merger & Acquisition Environment 17

Opportunities 17

Threats 18

Increasing Data Usage Clogging Network 18

Market Trends 18

Competition in Sector Intensifies 18

Increasing Focus on VAS Revenues 19

M&A Activity to Continue 19

Telecos to Continue Maintaining Operational Austerity 19

Global Telecom Market Spending Resurges 19

Mergers Become Order of the Day in Telecom Services 20

Telecom Mergers Expected to Resurge Job Market 21

Wireless Services Overtake Long-Distance Services 21

Mobile Data Communications 21

Mobile Messaging Technologies 22

Short Messaging Services 22

Business Mobile Services Demand to Increase 22

The Impact of Value-Added Services on Mobile Usage 23

SMS Market Shows Less Prospects for Business Use 23

Boost for Remote Access 23

Role of Mobiles in Growth of Remote Access 23

Telecom Companies Seek Higher Growth Potential 24

DSL Subscribers 24

Growth Rate in the Market 24

Leading DSL Subscribers 24

Table 17: Global DSL Subscribers by Geographic Region (2011

QI) : Percentage Market Share for Europe, Latin America,

North America, Asia Pacific and Middle East & Africa 25

Data Transmission Services 25

Mobile Telephone Services 25

Growth Rate in the Market 25

Competition in Gulf Countries 25

Trends in the market 26

Impact of Liberalization 26

Lack of Foreign Investment 26

Mobile Penetration 26

Expansion Schemes in Fixed Line sector 27

GSM Services 27

Growth Rate in the Market 27

Growth in Gulf Countries 27

Competition in Gulf Countries 27

Trends in the market 27

Innovations by GCC States 28

CDMA Cellular Telephone Services 28

Broadband Fixed Wireless Access Services 28

Broadband & Dial Up Access 29

Residential Fixed-Wireline Communications 30





Overview 82

Table 18: North American Market for Wireless Handsets (2008):

Market Shares of Leading Vendors by Volumes Shipped for

Motorola, LG, Nokia, Samsung, Kyocera, Sony Ericsson and

Others 82

Table 19: Telecom Industry in Canada (2006): PercentageMarket Share by Leading Cellular/ PCS Operators - AliantMobility, Bell Wireless Alliance, MTS Mobility, RogersWireless, SaskTel Mobility, and TELUS Mobility 82

Table 20: Broadband Internet Connections Households in North

America: Annual Estimates for 2003 through 2008 in Millions

for DSL Service Subscribers and Cable Modem Subscribers 83

Data Services, a Challenge for North America Telecom Operators 83

1a. THE UNITED STATES 85Market Overview 85Growth Outlook 85Table 21: US Mobile Content Revenue for Mobile Operators,Content Providers and Aggregators and Content EnablementPlatform Providers in US$ Billion (2006-2010) 85Spending in the US Telecom Industry 86Market Structure 86Competitive Trends in Wireline Business Telecom Services-Historical Overview 87Statistics - A Past Review 87Table 22: Sales of Major United States Cellular ServiceProviders - Verizon, AT&T, Sprint Nextel, Qwest, Alltel andNortel in US$ billions (2006) 87

Table 23: US Telecom Market (2005): Percentages of Household

Penetration of Telecom and Related Services by Category 88

Table 24: US Telecom Market (2005): Revenues in US$ Billionfor Leading Telecom Companies - Verizon, AT&T, Sprint Nextel,BellSouth, Qwest, and Nortel 88Broadband Services 88Broadband Services through Cable Operators 88Broadband Services through Local Exchange Carriers 89Broadband Services through DSL Carriers 89Broadband Satellite Communication Services 89High-Speed Internet Access Services 89Wireless Communications 90Wireless Communication Services 90Table 25: Factors for Selecting Wireless Services by Users inthe US: 2010 Percentage Breakdown for Complete Regional orNational Coverage, Service Pricing, International RoamingCoverage, Wireless Internet and Data Services, and HandsetSelection and Price 91Wireless Telephone Services 91DSL Services 91Wi-Fi Services 92Cellular Telephone Services 92Mobile Subscribers 92Table 26: Cell Phone Owners by Age Group in the US: 2010Percentage Breakdown 92Cable Telephones 93Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) 93An Insight into WAP Technology 93Voice Over Digital Subscriber Line Services 93SOHO Wireless LAN 94Ethernet Services 94Table 27: Retail Ethernet Service Providers in the US: 2010Percentage Market Shares of Metro Ethernet Provider, RBOC,and IXC 94Residential Telecommunication Services 94Table 28: Average Monthly Household Telephone ServiceExpenditure in the US: 2005in US$ for Local and Long DistanceTelephone Service 95Mobile Roaming Services - An Insight 95Long Distance Telephone Services 95

1b. CANADA 96

An Overview of Wireless Communications Industry 96

1c. MEXICO 97Overview 97Long-Distance Telephone Services 97DSL & Cable Lines 97

2. JAPAN 98

Mobile Messaging Services 98

Table 29: Japanese Market for Mobile Messaging Services (2008

& 2010) Percentage Share Breakdown by Type - Short Messaging

Services, Multimedia Messaging Services, Mobile Email, and

Others (Includes Mobile Instant Messaging & Push-To-Talk) 98

3G Mobile Communication Services 98

3. EUROPE 99Market Overview 99Table 30: European Market for Telecommunications Services byGeographic Region - France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, andRest of Europe Markets Independently Analyzed with AnnualRevenue Figures in US$ Billion for Years 2010 through 2015 100

Table 31: European Five Year Perspective for

Telecommunications Services by Geographic Region - Percentage

Breakdown of Dollar Revenues for France, Germany, Italy, UK,

Spain, and Rest of Europe Markets for Years 2011 & 2015 101

Mobile Messaging Market 101

Regional Subscriber Base & Market Hindrances 102

Table 32: European Telecom Market (2009): Percentages of

Broadband Penetration for Select Countries 102

3a. FRANCE 103Market Overview 103Table 33: French Mobile Communications Sector (2011):Percentage Breakdown of Revenues by Sub-segments 103

3b. GERMANY 104

Mobile Communications 104

Mobile Internet Services 104

Mobile Messaging Services 104

Table 34: German Mobile Telephony Market (2006): Percentage

Market Share by Leading Players - E-Plus Mobilfunk, O2

Deutschland, T-Mobile, and Vodafone Deutschland 104

3c. KAZAKHSTAN 105Overview 105


Market Overview 106

Mobile Phone Market 106

Table 35: UK Market for Wireless Handsets (2010): Percentage

Breakdown of Annual Shipments in Thousand Units by Technology

- GSM, 3G and Others 106

DSL Services 107

3e. SPAIN 107Market Overview 107

3f. ITALY 108

Overview 108

Table 36: Leading Players in Italian Wireless Telecom

Services Market (2011): Percentage Breakdown of Market Shares

by Company 108

Internet and Broadband 108

Mobile Network 108

Table 37: Italian Telecom Market (2011 & 2012): Breakdown of

Number of Subscribers in Sub-segments - Fixed-line

Telephony, Mobile Services, Fixed-line Broadband and Mobile

Broadband 109

Optic Fiber Network 109

3g. EASTERN EUROPE 110Overview 110Russian Market Trends 110Mobile Service Penetration 110Changes in Mobile Segment 110Overview of Balkan Markets 110Romanian Telecom Sector Bounces Back 111Competition - A Past Perspective 111Table 38: Telecom Industry in Bulgaria (2005): PercentageMarket Share of Mobile Subscribers by Operator - GloBul,Mobikom, MobilTel, and Vivatel 111

Table 39: Telecom Industry in Lithuania (2005): Percentage

Market Share of Mobile Subscribers by Operator - Bit?

Lietuva, Tele 2, Omnitel, and Others 111

Table 40: Hungarian Mobile Telecommunications Market (2005):Percentage Market Share by Operator - T-Mobile, Pannon GSM,and Vodafone 112

Table 41: Hungarian Fixed Line Telecom Market (2005):

Percentage Share by Leading Companies - Emitel, Hungarotel,

Invitel, Monortel, and MT 112

3h. WESTERN EUROPE 113Market Overview 113


Overview 114

Mobile Market & Impact 114

Table 42: Major Telecom Companies in Indonesia (2009) 115

Table 43: Major Indicators of Indonesia's Telecom Market(2010) 115

Table 44: Major Telecom Companies in New Zealand (2011) 116

Table 45: Major Indicators of Malaysia's Telecom Market(2010) 116

Table 46: Major Telecom Companies in Vietnam (2010) 117

Table 47: Top 15 Mobile Operators in Asia: 2010 by Number ofSubscribers in Millions 118An Overview of Cellular Telephone Services 119Table 48: Asia-Pacific Mobile Market (2011 Q1): PercentageShare Breakdown of Subscriber Volume by Country 119Wireless Subscribers 119Mobile Messaging Services 120Table 49: Asia-Pacific Market for Mobile Messaging Services(2008 & 2010): Percentage Share Breakdown by Type - ShortMessaging Services, Multimedia Messaging Services, MobileEmail, and Others (Includes Mobile Instant Messaging &Push-To-Talk) 120

Table 50: Mobile Messaging Market in Asia Pacific:

Percentage of Average Revenue Per User in Select Regions -

China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, South Korea and

Singapore 120

Table 51: MMS Market in Asia-Pacific (2002-2008): PercentageBreakdown of Growth in MMS Users in Select Countries- India,Hong Kong, South Korea, Australia, Taiwan, Philippines,Singapore, and PRC 121Broadband Services 121Factors Affecting the Broadband Market 121China and India Boost Asian Market Recovery 121Table 52: Asia Pacific Market for TelecommunicationsServices by Geographic Region - Japan, China, and Rest ofAsia-Pacific Markets Independently Analyzed with AnnualRevenue Figures in US$ Billion for Years 2010 through 2015 122

Table 53: Asia Pacific Five Year Perspective for

Telecommunications Services by Geographic Region -

Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Revenues for Japan, China,

and Rest of Asia-Pacific Markets for Years 2011 & 2015 123

Broadband Revenues to Overtake Voice Telephony 123

4a. AUSTRALIA 124An Overview 124Fixed-Line Service Market Position 124Telecom Competency Bill Draft 124Ownership Reforms & Government Trials 124Telecom Operator's Market Stand 1243G Technologies Impact 125

4b. CHINA 126

Market Overview 126

Competition 126

Table 54: Leading Players in Chinese Telecom Services Market

(2011): Breakdown of Number of Subscribers by Service

Providers 126

Mobile Communications Services 127

Mobile Handset Manufacturers 127

Table 55: Chinese Smartphone Market (2011): Market Share

Breakdown of Leading Smartphone Operating Systems and Others 128

Outlook 128

Mobile Communications to Drive Growth 128

Gradual Decline in Fixed Line Subscription 128

Government Supports Broadband Expansion 128

Market Participants Compete Hard 129

Fixed-Line & Mobile Communications 129

Table 56: Chinese Phone Users (in Millions) by Type - Mobile

and Fixed-Line (2004-2010) 130

Table 57: Chinese Sales of 3G Value Added Services (2006-

2010) in US$ Billions 130

Table 58: Major Indicators of China's Telecom Market (2009 &

2010) 131

Table 59: China's Telecom Operators (2011): Breakdown ofSubscriber Volume and Technology by Leading Companies - ChinaMobile, China Unicom and China Telecom 131Market Competition - A Past Review 132Table 60: Chinese Market for Wireless Handsets (2005): MarketShares of Leading Players by Volume for Nokia, Motorola,Samsung, Bird, Sony Ericsson, Lenovo, Amoi, TCL, and Others 132

Table 61: Chinese Market for GSM Handsets (2005): Market

Shares of Leading Players by Value for Nokia, Motorola,

Samsung, Bird, Sony Ericsson, Amoi, Lenovo, TCL, and Others 132

Table 62: Chinese Market for CDMA Handsets (2005): MarketShares of Leading Players by Value for Samsung, LG, Motorola,Hisense, Nokia, Daxian, Kyocera, and Others 133

4c. INDIA 134

Market Overview 134

Increasing Investment 135

Mobile Penetration in Rural Areas 135

Green Technology and Smart Grid 135

Market Outlook 136

3G Services 136

BWA, LTE, Wi-Fi, and WiMAX 136

Infrastructure Sharing / Consolidation 136

All-IP, Cloud, and Wireless Network 137

M2M and Convergence 137

Security 137

Value-Added Services (VAS) 137

Market Trends 138

India to Become Second Largest Wireless Telecom Market 138

Table 63: Indian Telecom Market (2006-2011): Annual Breakup

by Number of Wireless Subscribers (In Millions) 138

Enterprise Mobility Market Displays Robust Growth 138

Portable Device Applications Market to Soar 139

Key Statistics 139

Table 64: Indian Cellular Market (2011): Percentage Market

Share of Leading Players by Subscriber Volume 139

Table 65: Indian GSM Market (2011): Market Shares of Leading

Players by Net Subscriber Additions 140

Table 66: Indian Telecom Market (2010-11): Percentage Market

Share of Service Providers for Rural Wireless Subscribers -

Bharti, Vodafone, IDEA/Spice, BSNL, Reliance, Aircel, TATA

and Others 140

Table 67: Indian Telecom Market (2011): Percentage MarketShare of Fixed-line Operators -BSNL, MTNL, and PrivateOperators 141

Table 68: Indian Internet Service Providers (ISPs) Market

(2010-11): Percentage Market Share of Leading Players -

Bharti, Vodafone, BSNL, IDEA, Reliance, TATA, Aircel, MTNL

and Others 141

4d. SINGAPORE 142Market Overview 142Key Statistics 142Table 69: Singapore Mobile Subscription (Jan 2011): Breakdownof Total Number of Subscribers by Sub-segments- 2G, 3G,Post-Paid and Pre-paid 142

Table 70: Singapore Broadband Subscription (Jan 2011):

Breakdown of Total Number of Subscribers by

Sub-segments-xDSL, Cable Modem, Wireless Broadband and Others 143

Table 71: Singapore Broadband Subscription (Jan 2011):Breakdown of Total Number of Subscribers by Type ofConnection - Residential Broadband, Corporate Broadband, andOthers 143

Table 72: Singapore Telecommunications Industry (2010):

Percentage Breakdown of Revenues by Sub-segments 143

4e. NORTH KOREA 144Overview 144


Overview 144

4g. TAIWAN 145Market Overview 145Table 73: Taiwan Mobile Telecom Market (2010): Breakdown ofNumber of Subscribers of Leading Service Providers 145

4h. THAILAND 146

Overview 146

Mobile and Broadband Segments Set to Soar 146

5. LATIN AMERICA 147Market Overview 147Table 74: Latin American Telecom Service Market (2011 &2014):Percentage Breakdown of Revenues by Service Segments - MobileServices, Fixed Telephony, and Internet & Data Transmission 147Fixed Line Operators Brace for Impact of 3G 148Foreign Investments 148


Market Overview 149

Table 75: Argentinean Mobile Communications Sector (2011):

Percentage Breakdown of Market Share of Service Operators 149

Table 76: Argentinean Fixed Broadband (2011): PercentageBreakdown of Market Share of Leading Internet ServiceProviders (ISPs) and Others 149

5b. PERU 151

Market Overview 151

Table 77: Peru Fixed-line Telecom Market (2011): Percentage

Breakdown of Market hare of Leading Service Operators 151

Table 78: Peru Cellular Telecom Market (2011): PercentageBreakdown of Market Share of Leading Service Operators 151

5c. BRAZIL 152

Market Overview 152

5d. PUERTO RICO 152An Overview 152Wireless Services in Puerto Rico 152


Market Overview 153

African Mobile Communications Market - An Overview 153

Debt Capital to Propel Mid-East and African Telecom Sector 154

Mobile Services Market in Nigeria and Libya 154

Egypt Telecom Market - A Huge Potential Ahead 154

Trends in Telecom Market 155

Saudi Arabian Broadband Internet Market to Witness Encouraging

Growth 155

Wireless Communications 155

Wireless Communication Operators 155

Role of Foreign Investment in the Middle East and Africa 155

Key Statistics 155

Table 79: Middle East Telecom Market (2005): Population,

Total Number of Fixed Lines in Millions by Select Countries 156

Table 80: Middle East Telecom Market (2005): Number of GSMSubscribers in Millions by Select Countries 157

Table 81: Middle East Telecom Market (2005): Number of

Internet Users in Millions by Select Countries 158

Table 82: Telecommunications Market in Egypt (2005):Percentage Share by Category - GSM, Fixed, Hardware/Software, and Services 159

Table 83: Middle East Internet Market (2011): Percentage

Breakdown of Internet Users by Geographic Region- Middle East

and Rest of World 159

Table 84: Middle East Internet Market (2011): Percentage

Share of Penetration by Country 159

Table 85: Middle East Internet Usage (2011): Breakdown of

Number of Users by Country 160

Table 86: Leading Mobile Services Markets in Africa (2011):

Percentage Breakdown of Subscription by Country 160

Table 87: Leading African Mobile Network Operators (2011)Percentage Breakdown of Subscription by Company 161GLOBAL DIRECTORY

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Nicolas Bombourg
Email: nbo@reportlinker.com
US: (805)652-2626
Intl: +1 805-652-2626


SOURCE Reportlinker

Source: http://www.manufacturingdigital.com/press_releases/global-telecom-services-industry

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